Types of Genetic testing

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

• Newborn Screening: Newborn screening immediately after birth using genetic disorders that can be treated early in life are identified. Regular testing of children for some genetic disorders and the most widely used is Geprüftmillionen children every year in the United States are examined. Coll kid on the states considered Phenylketonuria (a genetic disorder that causes mental illness, if treatment) and congenital hypothyroidism (thyroid gland disorder of). • Clinical trials: Clinical trials to determine the status of a specific genetic or chromosome, or hit out is used. In many cases, for genetic diagnosis were confirmed when a certain situation suggested the test was based on physical changes and symptoms. One person at any time during the clinical trials done 'can be, S life, but all the genes or genetic conditions is not available for all. Clinical trial results of a one-man, S. affect health care and disease management can choose. • carrier testing: carrier testing people, a copy of a gene mutation which, if used to identify existing lift, two copies of a genetic disorder caused. Examination of such individuals a genetic disorder that people in ethnic groups have offered to family history and increased risk of specific genetic conditions. If both parents are tested, "made a pair is available, the risk of a child with a genetic condition S test report. • Prenatal testing: one for pre-natal testing "to detect changes in the use of embryos, genes or chromosomes before birth is s. Examination of such a genetic or chromosomal disorder, with an increased risk of having a baby has offered to couples. In some cases, a prenatal test 'two, S-uncertainty may reduce or help them decide whether pregnancy terminates. Identify all possible inherited disorders and birth can not fault. • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis: Genetic testing that the human embryo, before implantation as part of the processes are performing in vitro fertilization. • East and presymptomatic testing: pre-determined, changes in gene identification and evaluation of presymptomatic forms often used in later life disorders that appear after birth are associated with. These tests are the people, a genetic disorder, with one family member can help, but whatever time you test a feature of the disorder is. Pre-determined test changes, a growing 'human, such as some types of cancer as a genetic basis, the possibility of developing disorders with S can be identified. Example, one person BRCA1, 65% cumulative risk of breast cancer have a change. Can determine whether a Presymptomatic testing person (an iron overload disorder) as developed hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder, no signs or symptoms first appear. Previous results and a specific disorder, presymptomatic testing and treatment in developing decision support available information about an individual's risks can provide. • Judicial Review: Forensic testing uses DNA sequence identity of any person for the purposes authorized. Unlike the test described above, the use of judicial review that gene mutations are associated with illness is not identified. Testing of such crime or accident victims, to identify or exclude a biological relationship between people Verbrechenverdächtigen or installation means (eg, parenthood) can cross.